Dr. Nadini Verma is a board certified OB/GYN serving the residents of Santa Monica and many of the nearby Los Angeles, California area communities. She specializes in several different treatment options that help bring women’s hormone levels back into balance and correct issues that have been caused by hormone imbalances, including MonaLisa Touch.
MonaLisa Touch Q & A
What is MonaLisa Touch?
MonaLisa Touch is a new treatment for vaginal and urinary disorders that was designed and perfected in Italy in 2008. Originally designed for treatment of vaginal atrophy in breast cancer survivors who could not use estrogen, it was embraced by menopausal women around the world looking for non-hormonal treatments for vaginal dryness, irritation, discomfort and painful intercourse. The treatment has since been proven to help women suffering from urgency and getting up frequently at night to empty their bladder. By rejuvenating the tissues in a non-invasive way and restoring collagen, it can relieve the above symptoms faced by many menopausal women and thereby dramatically enhance the quality of their life.
What benefits does MonaLisa Touch offer?
The vaginal dryness and irritation associated with lack of estrogen can make sexual intercourse extremely uncomfortable and painful and sometimes impossible. MonaLisa Touch has the ability to revitalize the tissues and restore vaginal and thinned vulvar tissue to allow intimacy without pain as well as provide relief from debilitating urge incontinence, frequent urination, and recurrent vaginal and urinary tract infections.
Is MonaLisa Touch safe?
This is an in-office painless treatment that requires no anesthesia, no incisions, and lasts less than ten minutes per session.
There is minimal discomfort if any and can be compared to having a vaginal ultrasound. The full course of treatment requires three sessions that are six weeks apart. Women can resume their day to day activities immediately after each visit. Typically there are no side effects; occasionally women experience increased vaginal discharge and minimal spotting. Most women start to see results within one to two weeks of the initial treatment. However for optimal results, the complete course of three treatments is recommended. After completion of the course, a once a year follow-up treatment may be required.