PMS Specialist

Dr. Nadini Verma serves the greater Los Angeles, California area as well as Santa Monica residents. She is a board certified OB/GYN who specializes in the treatment of PMS, infertility, hormone imbalances, and many other reproductive problems faced by women of all ages.


What are the symptoms of PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is an enigma. It occurs in the days prior to a woman’s menstrual cycle when her hormones begin to fluctuate. For most women, symptoms are mild and tolerable, but for some, they can be debilitating. The severity of symptoms depends on the individual’s hormonal imbalance. PMS involves a combination of physical, emotional, and psychological changes which usually lessen within a day or two of the onset of the period. Physical symptoms of PMS include bloating, breast tenderness, increased acne, cramps, food cravings, and headaches.

What is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe presentation of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and can occur in up to 8% of menstruating women. Symptoms include but are not limited to anger, irritability, depression, over-sensitivity, and mood fluctuations. PMDD can interfere with daily activities, as well as social activities and relationships. The depressive symptoms of PMDD may be associated with suicidal thoughts and behavior. Researchers believe that PMDD may occur because of an unusual sensitivity to normal cyclical hormonal changes. These fluctuations can cause changes in the level of serotonin a chemical in the brain that helps to transmit nerve signals which may be responsible for behavioral change.

Is PMS related to hormonal deficiency?

Most women who have PMS have a progesterone deficiency that may be present since puberty. Typical progesterone deficiency complaints are extreme irritability, marked anger, anxiety, excessive mood fluctuations that occur in particular in the premenstrual phase. Long term progesterone deficiency can cause breast cysts, breast tenderness before menstruation, abdominal bloating, ovarian cyst, excessive menstruation, and cramps.

Women who have estrogen deficiency are more likely to complain of premenstrual headaches/migraines, short-lived but immense fatigue, depression, feeling of hopelessness, hot flashes, and sweating, especially at night.

How is PMS treated?

Premenstrual Syndrome is treated in many different ways. Beneficial lifestyle modifications include marked reduction in the consumption of caffeine, sugar and sodium (salt), a decrease in alcohol and nicotine use, and ensuring adequate sleep. These in combination with nutraceutical supplements can be used to treat most of the symptoms. In severe cases, medication and correction of hormone balance can bring immediate relief. Dr. Verma will individually assess all presenting symptoms and offer the most holistic approach to addressing your specific PMS issues.